Category: News

business interruption, covid

COVID-19 Business Interruption Claims Court Case Decision

On Wednesday 18 November the NSW Court of Appeal handed down a unanimous decision in a case launched by the Insurance Council of Australia concerning the application of Business Interruption (BI) claims related to two test cases, where business operations were affected by COVID-19 and their policy coverage denied.

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contract review

So, are you sure you haven’t entered into indemnity or hold harmless agreements? | Why contract review is crucial for your insurance

Proposals for public and products liability insurance often ask whether the potential insured has assumed any obligations under contracts or agreements, including through hold harmless or indemnification agreements.

Unfortunately, all too many times people have indemnities or hold harmless agreements in their existing contracts and may be completely unaware. This, in turn, can expose you and your business to unintended risks or gaps in your insurance solution.

At Acacia Insurance, we're able to review contracts and advise our clients on the insurance ramifications. This is a point of difference that we pride ourselves on, and the service has helped many of our clients reduce their risk exposures. Contact us to find out more or read on to learn more about this risk.

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insurance market update, Acacia Insurance, Sydney

General insurance landscape – September 2020

As a valued client I thought you may like to receive a summary of our market assessment on what’s currently impacting insurance pricing in the Australian market. The recently released APRA (Australian Prudential Regulation Authority) June 2020 quarterly report showed insurance company profitability continuing to decrease.

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together, helping, not-for-profit insurance

Not-for-profit insurance case study

Not-for-profit organisations carry unique yet significant risks, making it critical to get the right insurance cover. At Acacia Insurance, we know how difficult it can be to get the right insurance solution to meet the needs of your not-for-profit or charity organisation. That’s why we take the time to really get to know you and leverage our industry expertise and experience to help you protect the important work that you do.

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cyber risk, cyber insurance, risk management

Cyber risk: protecting your company and preventing increasing attacks

On top of the considerations you have already made regarding your business and insurance due to the implications of COVID-19, now unfortunately you have increasing cyber risk to manage as well.

Cyber attacks have always been intentionally engineered to prey on people’s fears, concerns, and ultimately, their bank accounts. In the wake of the COVID-19 era, attacks remain as malicious as ever, with themed tactics tailored to the worries of today’s society. 43% of all cyberattacks target small businesses, taking various forms such as web-based attacks, phishing attacks and malicious codes. It's a disappointing reality that there are those who would take advantage of people during a global pandemic, but that doesn't mean there's nothing you can do to protect yourself and your business. 

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covid-19, insurance

COVID-19 and insurance considerations

While Australia has been relatively protected from the spread of Corona Virus (COVID 19) many businesses have been disrupted due to social distancing requirements, travel, import and or export restrictions.
In response to some frequently asked questions we've received from clients, we wanted to help clarify how insurance responds (and in some cases doesn't respond) in the pandemic environment, as well as provide some resources and risk management considerations.

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